Monday, September 16, 2013

Nina Davuluri, the "Arab Terrorist" who won Miss America

Nina Davuluri...she's all over the news, isn't she? And, for all the wrong reasons, unfortunately.

Yay, she graduated from U of M, so I guess we share a common link!

The one that was the best (funniest or saddest, I don't know which) is this:
“Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must’ve made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote,” griped Elizabeth@EJR Buckeye.

Trust a Buckeye to get it completely wrong! I'm amazed at the ignorance of some people in this world. And, their arrogance is directly proportional to their ignorance.

Here's a few more tweets I read on the Web:

One commenter wrote the message ‘9/11 was 4 days ago and she gets miss America?’


One Twitter user wrote: ‘This is Miss America... Not Miss Foreign Country.’

Another had this observation: ‘Shes (sic) like not even american and she won miss america.’

One Twitter user, DallasRobinson8, wrote: “I am literally soo mad right now a ARAB won. #MissAmerica”

Jakeamick5 added: “How the **** does a foreigner win miss America? She is a Arab! #idiots”

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